• Products code:AUSTDOOR_ST85
  • W ( 7000mm ) x ( 7000mm ) H

83 USD
Notes :  
- For free advice and update on product information
- Please contact : ( + 84 ) 28 . 3511 .  4778 – Hotline 24/24: ( + 84 ) 908 . 117 . 848
1. Quotation price includes :
- Door, frame, shaft, rail, powder coating
- SWarranty period is 12 months
2. Quotation price does not include :
- Transportation and installation fee
- Accessories such as UPS, locks, controller, remote control,…
- Expenses for testing fireproofing on separate shipments
- Other costs out of quotation
- Value-added tax VAT (10%)
3. Time delivery :
- 15 - 20 days from the date of the advance
4. Payment :
※. For door orders inlcuding installation :
- Advance payment 50%,  delivery completion 40% , installation completion and handover 10% .
※. For door orders without installation (customer at Ho Chi Minh City) :
- Advance payment: 50%, delivery completion: 50%
※. For door orders without installation (customers not at Ho Chi Minh City) :
- Advance payment: 50%, delivery notice 50% before delivery.
5. Additional guest services :
** Motor set for rolling steel door, transparent plate
Description Unit  Unit price 
- Rolling door moto ARG.P-1L/R ( < 12m2 ) set    6.380.000
- Rolling door moto ARG.P-2L/R ( ≥ 12m2 ) set    7.600.000
- Rolling door moto AHV.2PL/R ( for large area doors ) set    7.880.000
** Imported motor set for aluminum rolling door, airy joints, steel super field
Description Unit  Unit price 
- Rolling door moto AH300A ( 300kg ) set    8.740.000
- Rolling door moto AH500A ( 500kg ) set    9.510.000
- Rolling door moto AH300A ( 300kg - for AT1 ) set    8.890.000
- Rolling door moto AH500A ( 500kg - for AT1 ) set    9.650.000
- Rolling door moto AH800A ( 800kg ) set  18.120.000
- Rolling door moto AH1000A ( 1000kg ) set  25.500.000
- Rolling door moto AH300A ( 300kg - wireless reversing ) set    9.200.000
- Rolling door moto AH500A ( 500kg - wireless reversing ) set    9.980.000
- Rolling door moto AH300A ( 300kg - wireless reversing for AT1 ) set    9.450.000
- Rolling door moto AH500A ( 500kg - wireless reversing for AT1 ) set  10.020.000
- Rolling door moto AH800A ( 800kg - wireless reversing ) set  18.680.000
- Rolling door moto AH1000A ( 1000kg - wireless reversing ) set  26.940.000
** Motor set assembled in Vietnam for aluminum rolling door, open joints, super long steel
Description Unit  Unit price 
- Rolling door moto AK300A ( 300kg ) set    6.370.000
- Rolling door moto AK500A ( 500kg ) set    6.680.000
- Rolling door moto AK300A ( 300kg - for AT1 ) set    6.490.000
- Rolling door moto AK500A ( 500kg - for AT1 ) set    6.740.000
- Rolling door moto AK800A ( 800kg ) set    8.280.000
- Rolling door moto AK300A ( 300kg - wireless reversing ) set    6.450.000
- Rolling door moto AK500A ( 500kg - wireless reversing ) set    6.720.000
- Rolling door moto AK300A ( 300kg - wireless reversing for AT1 ) set    6.680.000
- Rolling door moto AK500A ( 500kg - wireless reversing for AT1 ) set    6.790.000
- Rolling door moto AK800A ( 800kg - wireless reversing ) set    8.300.000
** Motor set for ceiling sliding door
Description Unit  Unit price 
- Rolling door moto AHV565 set  11.200.000
** Motor set for fireproof steel rolling door, super-field steel
Description Unit  Unit price 
- Rolling door moto YHFD300 ( 300kg - 220V ) set  10.200.000
- Rolling door moto YHFD500  ( 500kg - 220V ) set  15.200.000
- Rolling door moto YH800  ( 800kg - 220V ) set  19.100.000
- Rolling door moto YH1000  ( 1000kg - 220V ) set  24.700.000
- Rolling door moto YH1300  ( 1300kg - 380V ) set  50.800.000
- Rolling door moto YH2000  ( 2000kg - 380V ) set  64.800.000
** Steel rolling door, aluminum spokes, sliding ceiling
Description Unit  Unit price 
- UPS AD9 set    3.430.000
- UPS AD15 set    4.360.000
- UPS P1000 set    5.080.000
- UPS P2000 set    7.060.000
- UPS E1000 set    3.800.000
- UPS E2000 set    5.180.000
- Mạch đèn báo sáng pc       320.000
- Set lock KH1 set       660.000
- Set lock KH2 set       520.000
- Set lock KH5 đồng bộ set       360.000
- Austlock (intelligent anti-theft lock) set    2.800.000
- Remote control DK1 pc       500.000
- Remote control DK2 set       340.000
- Anti-impact relay set       230.000
- Infrared Sensor pc       730.000
- Multi Infrared beam sensor set    8.980.000
- Fee for installation of fire shutter door set  … 
- Goods transportation & carrying fee Ho Chi Minh City set  … 
** Fireproof steel rolling door
Description Unit  Unit price 
- Automatic closing system set    2.000.000
- Door closing timer (Twice timer) set    1.950.000
- 24V power adapter set       500.000
- Thermal fuse set       250.000
- Smoke detector set    1.425.000
- Heat detectors set    1.825.000
- Fee for installation of fire shutter door  set  … 
- Goods transportation & carrying fee Ho Chi Minh City set  … 
6. Bank account in VND :
Ngo Nguyen Door Company Limited 
- 10108888 - Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank (ACB Bank) - Ngo Tat To Office - HCMC

Product Description

Trade centers, warehouses, and factories all need to install large-sized rolling doors to facilitate movement and protect safety for factories. All kinds of super-field industrial high-speed rolling doors use super durable materials
Although the industrial rolling door is large in size, it operates quickly and safely, bringing satisfaction and confidence to customers when using this product.
Thickness 0.85mm
Color #7

Products features


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